Tuesday, November 22, 2011

And the name shall be...

Surely no one thought I would actually give up names for the baby. Those, along with gender, will be a secret until the child gets here. However, Andrew and I are being good parents-to-be and doing our best to figure out what we'll name the child even though we have five more months to spare.

I should say for those of you who don't live in Mass, our baby does have a nickname floating around right now: Baby Floyd. Our dear friend Caleb decided on that. My cousin Steven also provided his choices when I told his family I was pregnant--Thurston Franc for a boy and Helga for a girl. I'm just gonna leave it at that.

About a week ago, I went to bed around 8, and Andrew stayed up to start his next batch of beer. I failed to remember from the last time how bad it smells when the wort (what beer is before it's been fermented) is brewing. I woke up around 9:30 or 10 to a horrible smell and made Andrew open doors and windows despite the fact that we're close to winter temps around here. I continued to wake up every half hour to an hour, and around 12:30 woke up to no Andrew in the bed. He never stays up that late. So of course I freaked out momentarily.

When I called for him, he answered from the living room. I asked what he was doing. His reply? I'm looking at baby names! Seriously? Up past midnight looking at baby names.

Now I feel this was a momentous occasion for him because, while he still likes to share outrageous names with me, he is actually thinking seriously about what we'll name our child. (His previous suggestions were names like Porterhouse.) He left me a note with some of the ones he liked, and then we checked out some websites together that night. I thought I might share some of the more ridiculous ones we found through our search.

Please don't name your child this...or if you do, know that I will laugh

Banjo: Andrew could not get over this name. Turns out Rachel Griffiths (celeb) has a son named this.

Yaakov: we giggled over this for a bit.

Anson: not really a humorous name, but it is if it's late at night and instead of reading "anson" you read "arson," it has potential.

Ballard: same as anson. I saw "bastard." Maybe I should get my eyes checked...

Xanadu: simply a fun name to say!

Baby: yes indeed, naming your baby what it is was on the list.

Rafiki: even if the Lion King is your fave movie ever, naming your kid after a baboon is probably not a good idea. What's more, this name was listed as appropriate for a girl or a boy.

Hades: need I comment? We also found Lucifer in a book the other day...

Fairy: listed as gender neutral...

And there are always those names that make you say, yeah yeah, that's a joke right? Like everyone has had twins at their school named Lemonjello and Orangejello. But those names are on lists! The one we found on the website we were searching was "Abcde," pronounced ab-suh-dee.

So of course, we decided if we have a boy, his name will be Abcde Banjo Holloway. Now stitch that on a sampler.

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