Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Upcoming project: the new home addition

Before anyone begins thinking we're terribly crazy, our "new addition" has nothing to do with adding on to the existing structure of our home. We have yet to finish the kitchen (small glitch with the countertops), and we'd be really dumb to start something of that size in October with snow coming!

In actuality, the new addition comes in the form of a person...we are expecting our first child in May! (It seems even crazier to write this down than it does to just tell people, by the way. The enormity of the situation has yet to fully sink in!)

Our precious pup Sherpa, who turned five a couple weeks ago, will now be a big brother! He just doesn't know it yet. For those of you who would like the full story with the few details we have to this point, continue reading.

Finding Out
We found out we were pregnant on Sept. 12 with a home pregnancy test. The day before I competed in a triathlon in Connecticut. That morning I was feeling especially queasy, but since it was a.) 5 a.m. and b.) I get car sick and was in the back of a minivan, I didn't think much of it. I was also a little nervous since it was my first tri. By the time we got to the race and got our gear set up, I was totally fine.

I had been thinking I could be pregnant, but because tests cost about $10 each Andrew wouldn't let me get one until I was two weeks late. This is also because I had taken one the month before, after being about 5 days late. (TMI alert: I went off birth control pills several months ago because I did a lot of research and don't believe they are completely safe, so I've been late a lot since then. Alert over.)

Anywho, he conceded, I took the test and it was positive. The next day on Sept. 13, I called the doctor and had an appointment that day. They confirmed my pregnancy and said I was six weeks along.

Today I am 12 weeks and hopefully we'll get to hear the heartbeat this afternoon!

Sharing the News
We wanted to keep it a secret until the second trimester, which was difficult because I have been feeling terrible. I haven't been vomiting, but I'm constantly nauseous. Fun fun! I have said this a few times already and will say it again: I have no idea why women say "I want to be pregnant." You should say, "I want to have a baby." I will love and care for this child, but after the last few weeks, pregnancy is for the birds. I'm grateful for the time to prepare...I just really hope I start feeling better so I can actually read all the info I need to and stuff like that.

We did tell a couple of people early out of necessity, which did help that someone other than us knew. Over the last week we shared the news with our families, close friends and then our church on Sunday. I wrote a song to Oasis' "Wonderwall" to announce the news.

A few notable reactions:

My friend Kristin--screamed louder than anyone. Twice.

Our niece, Ava--Andrew said, "Ava, you're going to be a cousin." Silence. Her mom, Logan, said, "Wait, I'm going to be an aunt?!" to which Ava said, "I'm going to be an uncle!!"

Prophetic dreams: My friend Christie had a dream a few weeks ago that I was two months and showing, making an announcement at church. I found out yesterday that my friend Katharine also had a dream recently that I was pregnant.

Suspicious: my step-mother, great aunt and cousin Leah. I should point out that my step-sister-in-law is due in March, and my sister-in-law is due in April. Lots of babies!

We are not going to find out what we're having, nor are we revealing names until the baby is here, in our arms and given said name. Sorry!!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting!! Congrats and can't wait to meet the new addition!!
