Monday, October 3, 2011

And, we're back in the game!

The game of dishes that is. Most of you have no idea what I just [mis]quoted, unless your name is Mike Thomas, but it's from one of my favorite movies--Ten Things I Hate About You. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character kisses Larisa Oleynik's character, she gets out of the car and he says, "And I'm back in the game!" and simultaneously hits the steering wheel for dramatic effect.

I apologize for that brief tangent, but since my last post lacked random humor, I felt it was needed :)

Anywho....our dishwasher works! Let that sink in...


Well, we hope. Our first full cycle has yet to complete. But we're 10 minutes in and no flood yet.

I realize these pictures will show a bit more work than what I've told you about to this point, but the news is so exciting I had to share this first. Expect some more backlogged-work-updates soon.

We woke up Saturday morning with nothing major to do until later in the evening, so Andrew decided to do some plumbing. And plumb he did. My beautiful husband hooked up our dishwasher in only a couple of hours and two trips to the store.

blurry....he caught me taking pictures

All I know is there was something about drilling holes in the floor, hooking up some PEX tubing, the use of teflon tape and voila, it worked! He ran a quick rinse cycle to make sure nothing leaked, then we loaded her up!

Because we don't have our countertops in yet, the dishwasher isn't "built-in" so to speak. When you open the door it becomes top heavy, so Andrew had to hold it while I loaded it. I've never seen dirty dishes look so beautiful.

Even better, free soap included!

And that green light and the minutes on the face mean it's working. Clean dishes minus the bathtub, here we come!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that movie! It's a little sad to watch it now though. Heath Ledger was so talented! Congrats on not having to hand wash everything...or use your tub. If you're like me, you may have a pile of hand wash only dishes up to the ceiling before you tackle them. :)
