Friday, July 2, 2010

All Part of the Game

When buying a new home, or in our case, a really old home, it's apparently "normal" for things to break immediately after moving in. We were prepared for this--and handled it well, I think--so I'll share with you our mini-potholes now that they're fixed.

We closed on June 16 and planned to move on June 19. The days in between were cleaning days. In my first post I mentioned the time spent on cleaning the bathroom and the fridge, but what I didn't mention was the leak we found in the shower while cleaning. In the middle giving a bath to the bathroom, our friends Brett and Jenna showed up to see the inside of the house. They'd already taken a trip to peak in all the windows a month or so before :) While showing them the basement, Brett found a pool of water under some pipes, which turned out to indeed be a shower leak.

We didn't have time to deal with it that afternoon due to the floor sanding project we'd already planned. Saturday was reserved for moving, so showers were taken at a friend's house that night. Sunday came and Andrew cut holes in the wall (inside the under-the-sink cabinet) to find the actual problem. One more day and three trips to Lowe's/Home Depot later, we had the right part and Andrew fixed the shower.

The one other "problem" that we ran into was our dryer. Neither this nor the shower were huge headaches, but still slowed down that actual "living-in-our-new-home" process. The laundry is done in the basement--pretty normal I'm coming to find here in New England--and the previous owner had a gas dryer. Didn't even know those existed! So before we were able to use our dryer, Andrew had to get several parts (copper, breaker, etc) that a co-worker of his hooked up. It was a pretty timely fix that cost about $100...copper taking up 3/4 of that cost. But I can do laundry now!

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