Monday, January 3, 2011

No Longer a Halfway House...whatever that means

While visiting family in Alabama, a cousin of mine that shall remain nameless, commented that he would come visit, but he was waiting until our home no longer looked like a halfway house! I'm assuming he felt that way from the pictures seen here. Well no longer!! Our house actually resembles a home at the moment, and for that, I am very thankful! Here are a few pictures of the updates:

gray walls that have a touch of blue in them in certain light; hopefully I'll find a new bedspread and another bedside table soon

we still need crown molding, which we plan to recycle from the living room, closet doors and eventually we'll paint the bedroom door

Just after Thanksgiving, we moved back into the master bedroom! Hooray!! No more sleeping against a wall! And I will say, always use a bed frame. You may not think putting the box springs and mattress on the frame makes much of a difference, but let me tell you it does. It's also nice to be able to sit on the side of the bed and not have your feet touch the ground (or maybe touch a little if you're tall like me!) as opposed to being able to knee yourself in the face when getting up without a frame.

sort of blown out (sorry...weird lighting) but here we have a complete living room! 

We also put our living room back together...finally! The floors are 95% done in the house (we need to touch up the hallway and transitions...and if you were to count that we haven't done the carpeted areas I'm sure the percentage would drop...but let's not think about that!) so we can now live in the living room! We bought a rug at Lowe's on clearance and put the original furniture back in. Oh, and we got a nice deal on our first flat screen on Black Friday! What can I say, we're extremely late adopters when it comes to technology :) All those extra digital channels came in handy for the Iron Bowl when our local CBS station decided to show infomercials instead of the game...don't get me started on that blessed event--the fight with CBS, not the actual game--though we shouldn't talk about that either.

Anywho, all that to say, the bedrooms are done minus some minor changes and decorating so we can now focus on the next headache, er joyous improvement: the kitchen.

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